What emerged is that there are many areas for potential investment within this complex domain that could help shift the system. And change the trajectory of millions of children subjected to a poor and unequal education system.
Overall, this research report is not intended to provide an exhaustive account of the key challenges, potential solutions and opportunities within early childhood development, basic education and higher education – there are many other excellent resources that collectively do that. Rather, it provides high-level findings from our process that may be of interest to philanthropy and other key sector players.
South Africa’s education sector is vast and complex. To develop a view of the landscape, understand the key challenges, identify opportunities for funding and help us hone our own thinking, we undertook a comprehensive strategic review. Focusing on the three sectors of education we support – early childhood development, basic education and higher education.
Our process included extensive desktop research, interviews with subject matter experts and other intellectual leaders, and surveys with NGOs. We also hosted design thinking-based hackathons and follow-up focused sprints to further help us narrow our strategic priorities.
Education Research Report
Understanding key challenges and
prioritising opportunities
Latest Research Report

Research Report

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South Africa
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Research Report
+27 (0)11 551 9500
Ground Floor
The Reserve
54 Melville Road
Illovo, 2196
South Africa
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