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The Trustees of the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust are pleased to announce the recipient of the prestigious Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award for 2018: Professor Valerie Mizrahi of the University of Cape Town. Mizrahi becomes the twenty first recipient of the Award since its inception and the ninth from UCT.

Dr Valerie Mizrahi, Professorial Director of the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine (IDM), is an outstanding researcher in the basic science of tuberculosis in Africa and widely recognized as an international leader in the field. She is a member of the TB Programme Scientific Advisory Committee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and was interim Chair of its ‘Discovery Expert Group’ in 2017. She is a member of the Science Interview Panel of the Wellcome Trust, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ‘TB Human Challenge Model Consortium’, Harvard School of Public Health.

Top scientist at the
University of Cape Town receives the Oppenheimer Fellowship

Johannesburg, 7 June, 2019

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